Plantae: In Art & Pointillism is a category in my journal entries. It covers a broad range of plants & flowers that I primarily explore in pointillism.
The Plantae includes all land plants. Among them are the mosses, ferns, conifers, and flowering plants. As such, it is an amazing range of diverse forms. Furthermore, with more than 250,000 species, Plantae is second in size only to the Arthropoda.
Plants have been around much longer than humans. The first plants appeared in the Ordovician. However, they did not begin to resemble modern plants until the Late Silurian. About 360 million years ago, at the close of the Devonian, a wide variety of shapes and sizes had emerged. These included tiny creeping plants, in addition to tall forest trees. It is a vast range of lifeforms to include in Plantae: In Art & Pointillism.
Plantae: In Art & Pointillism is the attempt to place in context the art I make representing these lifeforms. Admittedly, my choices are confined to a narrow range when compared to the bigger picture. But they are all part of a complex ecosystem. As such, the work is a part the conceptualization of Constructed Arrangements.
The Ecosphere, art and thought fills my world with depth, meaning and purpose. Exploration in pointillism is the driving force of my thought through the making of art. It is an artistic and lifelong journey filled with discovery.
My understanding of the complexity of the Biosphere and Ecosphere have deepened as I’ve worked on Plantae: In Art & Pointillism. And the methods I’ve chosen to explore them has broadened. For example, coldwax and mixed media are now important creative supplements in my art and thought.
Journal Entry: Flowers & Plants : Life, Art & Pointillism
- Published in Journal Entry, Lifeforms, Plantae, Pointillism