The Ecosphere, art and thought fills my world with depth, meaning and purpose. Exploration in pointillism is the driving force of my thought through the making of art. As a result, my desire to understand intimately, the systems within which my life is bound has increased.
It is an artistic and lifelong journey. A journey, yet to end. And what began as a celebration in art, aspects of the planet that bring me joy, has deepened. In short, the art I’ve created in that pursuit has varied greatly. Consequently, simple representation is not enough.
My understanding of the complexity of the Biosphere and Ecosphere have deepened. And the methods I’ve chosen to explore them has broadened. For example, coldwax and mixed media are now important creative supplements in my art and thought.
Acrylic pointillist work is my primary focus. As is artwork representative of places and things. But abstraction has gained a bigger role. Ultimately, abstractions of systems and concepts have folded back onto the paintings that clearly depict subjects and objects.
The Ecosphere is the world-wide sum of all ecosystems. Hence, it is the zone of life on Earth. It is virtually a closed system regarding to matter. But it is an open system in regards to energy to a large extent. As example, the open process of photosynthesis captures around 130 Terawatts per year. And yet, this energy system is self-regulating.
A general definition of the Ecosphere, or Biosphere is the global ecological system. This system integrates all living beings and their relationships. Therefore, it includes their interactions with the elements of the lithosphere, cryosphere, hydrosphere, and the atmosphere. These themes are explored in Ecosphere art and thought.
Journal Entry: Heavy Metal : A Search for Self
- Published in Ecosphere, Journal Entry, Mixed Media Artwork & Thought, Noosphere, Pointillism
Journal Entry: Water & Sky : Cradle of Life & Art
- Published in Ecosphere, Journal Entry, Pointillism
Journal Entry: Art & Discovery : Digging in the Dirt
- Published in Ecosphere, Journal Entry, Noosphere, Pointillism
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