Lifeforms, art and thought fill my world with depth, meaning and discovery. Exploration in pointillism is the driving force of my thought through the making of art. As a result, my desire to understand intimately, the systems which bind my life within the ecosystem has increased.
It is a lifelong artistic journey. A journey, yet to end. And what was begun as a celebration in art, as a celebration of the lifeforms on this planet, has deepened. In short, the art I’ve created in that pursuit has varied greatly. Consequently, simple representation is no longer enough.
Over time, my understanding of the complexity of the Biosphere and Ecosphere have deepened. And the methods I’ve chosen to explore them have broadened. But pointillism is the pivot point on which it is hinged. Lifeforms, art & thought opens wide the doors of perception. These doors lead in many directions.
Acrylic pointillist work is my primary focus. As is artwork representative of places and things. But these subjects find their expression in abstraction. As such viruses, mutations, clones and lifeforms to small to see with an unaided eye fill canvas and painting explosive vibrancy.
The Ecosphere is the world-wide sum of all ecosystems. Hence, it is the zone of life on Earth. It is virtually a closed system regarding matter. But it is an open system in regards to energy. As example, the open process of photosynthesis captures around 130 Terawatts per year. And yet, this energy system is self-regulating.
Consequently, lifeforms thrive and exist at all levels within this sphere. Life lives on and with other life. We are complex ecosystems in our own bodies. In essence, lifeforms art & thought explores these avenues of inquiry in words and visual images.
Journal Entry: Life Takes Shape in Art & Science
- Published in Journal Entry, Lifeforms, Pointillism
Journal Entry: Art & Microscope : Life & Viral Infection
- Published in Journal Entry, Lifeforms, Pointillism
Journal Entry: Fish in Art : The Universe Below
- Published in Journal Entry, Life Aquatic, Lifeforms, Pointillism