Pointillism: Paint by Dots is a constructed context for my Pointillist artwork. Painting slowly, with individual dots of pigment, has left me some room, for contemplation. Written words then, provide a tool for comprehension. Like roots in the soil, they seek depth in the visual.
You are looking at thousands of individual dots of paint, when ‘seeing’ one of my Pointillist paintings. In short, these dots are placed on a surface, one-by-one. Background color shows through on some works.
On large, detailed artworks, I layer dots on top of one-another. Typically, I apply paint on the surface until there are no ‘undotted’ areas remaining. This builds form, detail, shadows, and highlights. It becomes quite tactile.
And yes, some paintings do require hundreds of hours of working time. Dot-by-dot, hour-by-hour. In process and outcome, dot and canvas size are, of course, determinative factors. The physical size is crucial, in fact. It subsequently affects the degree the painting may appear impressionistic, and the distance that viewing is optimized. In essence, it dictates how the surface is visually read. This, in addition, to the many hours you might expect needed, to get the painting done.
The natural environment is a source of inspiration. Landscapes and visible life. I am, in addition, fascinated by the minute, unseen lifeforms that surround us. And inhabit our bodies. Also influential are, the ways in which all these forms of life then interact, react and are shaped by non-living parts of the Ecosphere. These include the soil, minerals, water, and air.
In my work and Pointillism: Paint by Dots, the dot is analogical to the molecule or atom. Atoms, molecules and cells form into collectives, and so do dots of paint. In the constructing of something larger, both represent sub-units or building blocks.
Journal Entry: Life Takes Shape in Art & Science
- Published in Journal Entry, Lifeforms, Pointillism
Journal Entry: Art & Microscope : Life & Viral Infection
- Published in Journal Entry, Lifeforms, Pointillism
Journal Entry: Heavy Metal : A Search for Self
- Published in Ecosphere, Journal Entry, Mixed Media Artwork & Thought, Noosphere, Pointillism