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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!

Who I am

Being an artist

Making Art : Life : Explore Context

Thinking & Exploring Life Through the Making of Art

Method of Inquiry, Avenue to Investigate

Art Process & Painting Practice

Pointillism, Mixed Mediums, Journaling

Art is Thinking

As a method of inquiry, making art is the means through which I explore the world's complexities, and what role I play within them.

Creating art is a purpose driven practice. It is necessary to reach for that which lies somewhere beyond immediate reward and instant gratification. Particularly I find, when working in a technique like pointillism. No seed planted comes to fruition instantly.

As is mindfulness and meditation, making art is a spiritual practice.  The very act of placing dot after dot, stroke after brushstroke, or word after word is healing, life-affirming and requires focus.

Call it flow, but, the long hours and degree of intense, passionate focus I find in artmaking, is nearly unparalleled by anything else I do in my life. 

The subjects and compositions I’m drawn too deepen my awareness. I am inspired by the natural world and the sciences. Through them, in my studio, I feel connected to something bigger, wider and grander than any single vision. 

It is often, I think, very much like being engaged in a dialogue that happens both internally and with the external environment at the same time. There exists as well, a conversation revolving around control, that happens between the work of art and myself; who has it, me or the painting?

Learning to loosen the reins of control and go with the flow is more challenging than just simply thinking or saying the words 'let go.' Artmaking engages me in a tightrope, balancing act.

I find myself doing opposing things that lead to similar ends ... if each is held in check and balance. It doesn't seem to matter if its painting, writing or conceptuallizing something. Regardless of material or form, equanimity is a natural inclination.


Live life, beautifully ...

Craig Allen Lawver