Journal Category: Art Space in Mind is an exploration of physical space. And an inquiry, formed of thought and perception. I write about what’s real. But in art, as in thinking, I find a root in abstraction.
I’ve always been in love, with space travel. And as a kid, Science Fiction enflamed my imagination. It taught me to question what it is I see. It still does. There are many amazing S.F. writers, writing great books. Always new ones, to discover.
However, now books of science fact have become just as captivating. In fact, I feel seduced by science. Unlike science fiction, science fact doesn’t come often to neat or tiding endings. There are milestones scattered through history. And science has arrived, at conclusions. But each day, more is brought to light. We look deeper, farther, smaller, more penetrating. Our questions have grown, and our designs are grander.
I have always known I am an artist. In truth, I have known since I was young. I knew it in preschool. It was a natural part of my thinking process. And is as intrinsic to who I am, as is being gay. Neither is something you become, it’s what you are.
Part of art is thinking. Art Space in Mind and in Body, would be a great rewrite of this title. I know of no artists who don’t think about their subjects, and processes they are using. While engaged in a physical action. Occurring both within and without.
Art Space in Mind crosses the borders and boundaries of my art. It crosses the edges of art and thought. I find in the end; they are almost the same.
Journal Entry: Structure & Form : Life, Art & Creative Thinking
- Published in Art Space in Mind, Journal Entry, Noosphere, Pointillism
Journal Entry: A Search for Universal Truth
- Published in Art Space in Mind, Journal Entry, Noosphere, Pointillism
Journal Entry: Constructed Arrangements : Art in Mind
- Published in Art Space in Mind, Noosphere, Pointillism